
Inspire Early Years children to express themselves through dance, song and movement with traditional and popular musical instruments to enrich EYFS learning and provide an active learning area. Music is a highly creative area which is enjoyed across Nursery, Reception and KS1.

Why Choose an Early Excellence Music Area:

  • Find readymade Early Years Music resource collections for 3-4yrs and 4-5yrs for a rapid, classroom solution
  • Use shelving, trolleys and natural baskets to present and organise accessible provision to nurture children’s expressive abilities with the musical instruments
  • Help children explore sound and rhythm, and encourage them to physically move their bodies as they play percussion with a wide range of instruments including shakers, rainsticks and drums

Wondering How to Introduce a Music Area to Your Classroom? 
Explore the Continuous Provision Guides to discover the what, how and why and further extend your understanding with the Music Inside Out Training Materials.

Inspire Early Years children to express themselves through dance, song and movement with traditional and popular musical instruments to enrich EYFS learning and provide an active learning area. Music is a highly creative area which is enjoyed across Nursery, Reception and KS1.

Why Choose an Early Excellence Music Area:

  • Find readymade Early Years Music resource collections for 3-4yrs and 4-5yrs for a rapid, classroom solution
  • Use shelving, trolleys and natural baskets to present and organise accessible provision to nurture children’s expressive abilities with the musical instruments
  • Help children explore sound and rhythm, and encourage them to physically move their bodies as they play percussion with a wide range of instruments including shakers, rainsticks and drums

Wondering How to Introduce a Music Area to Your Classroom? 
Explore the Continuous Provision Guides to discover the what, how and why and further extend your understanding with the Music Inside Out Training Materials.

Code: MU13
Code: MU07
Code: MU12
Code: MU11
Code: MU09
Code: MU05
Code: MU01
Code: MU06
Code: MU04
Code: MU08
Code: BP31
Code: GHBAS2