Complete Dough Area 4-5yrs

£685.00 exc. VAT (£822.00 inc. VAT)

Encourage children to explore mathematical thinking during dough play with this ready-made Complete Dough Area 4-5yrs. Supporting imaginative play and early maths terms as children explore the sensory, tactile qualities of dough they will relax and talk easily to one another, often in role, making this wonderful open-ended sensory resource always popular with children.



By providing a carefully curated range of dough resources, children’s play will become much richer in learning. Investing in our Complete Dough Area 4-5yrs will support mathematical language and thinking as key concepts such as similarities and differences, patterns and sequences, size, number, shape and quantity are explored. This ready-made selection of dough tools and early years resources will support sensory experiences and physical skills as children get creative with dough.

With support, children soon learn how to handle and use the equipment on their own. Whether working independently or collaboratively with adults, children will enjoy all of their explorations in this popular provision area.

Investing in an Early Excellence complete area will provide you with a rapid solution in creating an inspiring and enriching environment for your children.

This Complete Dough Area 4-5yrs includes:

  • High-level Closed Shelving Unit
  • Resource Collection 4-5yrs
  • Dough Storage Collection 4-5yrs
  • Suitable for age 4 and over

Many of our resources are produced in a variety of colours and styles and may vary slightly from those shown, however we guarantee that you will always receive the same quality and value.

Secondary images used for representation purposes only.


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