Complete Shape, Space & Measure Area 5-7yrs

£955.00 exc. VAT (£1,146.00 inc. VAT)

This ready-made Complete Maths Shape, Space & Measure Area 5-7yrs maximises rich opportunities for investigation and problem solving. Featuring open-ended and traditional resources, presented on mid level classroom furniture with natural storage baskets, this complete provision area will develop children’s positional language and their mathematical reasoning.


KS1 children can establish fluency, mathematical reasoning and also approach problem solving in imaginative ways using resources from this Complete Maths Shape, Space & Measure Area 5-7yrs. With the support and value of adults, children will broaden their maths vocabulary and develop positional language as they describe their actions and investigate their mathematical thinking.

Featuring a range of maths early years resources including mini wooden cubes, weighted eggs and open-ended wooden shapes, complete with lined whiteboards, electronic weighing equipment and scales, stop watches, measuring tapes, spring balance apparatus and a selection of mini maths 2D and 3D shapes. This Complete Maths Shape, Space & Measure Area 5-7yrs will deepen children’s understanding of mathematical concepts and expand their knowledge of numbers.

Complete with a curated storage set of natural seagrass baskets, displayed on mid-level classroom furniture, this ready-made area provides an invaluable solution to rapidly refresh your maths provision.

This Complete Maths Shape, Space & Measure Area 5-7yrs includes:

  • Mid Level Shelving Unit
  • Shape, Space & Measure Collection
  • Shape, Space and Measure Storage Collection
  • Suitable for age 5 and over

Many of our resources are produced in a variety of colours and styles and may vary slightly from those shown, however we guarantee that you will always receive the same quality and value.

Secondary images used for representation purposes only.

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